We’re a vibrant group of Jesus-loving ladies from all walks of life, and various ages and stages. The group plans annual and special events, prepares and delivers Bible studies (in person and on Zoom), hikes together, devours great books together, and prays and creates together...all in the name of our good God.
Join Max Lucado (and us!) on an inspirational journey through the hills, the dust, and the homes of the Holy Land. Discover, with new eyes, God’s heart for his people and his deep love for you.
God has more in store for you than you can imagine! This video Bible study will provide you an encounter with the life-altering Holy One as you follow in the footsteps of the Savior through the Holy Land.
Tuesday evenings, March 4th through April 8th, 6:30pm on Zoom.
Purchase a book (which includes streaming rights for the video content) on Amazon HERE
See God’s Hand in Your Life
How can we live faithfully amid the fires of opposition? How can we stay close to God when doubt seeks to devour us? Daniel the prayer warrior shows us how to keep God’s perspective always before us.
Zoom in on Daniel’s story and the pressures he faced to let go of God’s hand in his life. Then zoom out to see Daniel’s panoramic visions displaying God’s hand in human history. When adversity rolls in like a fog, Daniel reminds us how God’s perspective can give us a new vision.
Join us Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30am at Grace, Jan 22 thru Apr 9.
Need a book? You can purchase one on Amazon HERE
Here’s a listing of the ongoing women’s activities at Grace and who to contact for more info.
If you like to hike, consider joining us on the second Saturday of the month. We hike from October through May to avoid the summer heat.
If you're interested contact Deb Peterson.
"This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Return to me and I will return to you.” — Zechariah 1:3
Does your heart break when you see all the terrible things that are happening in the world? Do you wish there was something you could do to help? As much as our hearts are breaking, God’s heart must be breaking even more. Let’s come together to honor God and thank Him for His great love.
The second Tuesday of each month is a time for women to pray for the world. These will be an informal setting, starting with a time of worship followed by prayer, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us. You are free to pray out loud, silently, or to just listen to the prayers of others. This will be a time we can talk to God, turning to Him for hope and help. As we pray, God will open our hearts and eyes to the work He is doing, and bring us a sense of peace that opens our hearts and minds to how he might use us.
Contact Dot Hoover for info
Salt and Light Discipleship Group meets weekly by Zoom on Monday mornings from 10:00 until 12:00. We read and discuss various portions of Scripture, share individually from our personal devotional times during the week, and spend time in prayer together. Feel free to try out the group for a week or two and see if it’s a format that works well for you. No specific study guide to purchase.
For more information contact Brenda Heddles—theheddles@gmail.com
Do you like to crochet, knit, or visit with other women — all while doing something that blesses others? If so, we would like to invite you to join us. We meet the third Friday of the month from 10-12am in Room 2.
If you would like more information, contact: Dot Hoover at (520) 544-2658 or Kay Martinez at (520) 468-8076. Or, email below.
Love to read? So do we! Grace Undercover is our women's book club, where we enjoy reading great books each month and then convening for fellowship and discussion. If you'd like to join us, or want more information, please reach out to Deb Peterson.
Book club meets at Grace at 6:30pm on the third Thursdays of the month in Room 2.
There are a couple of groups that meet at Grace to create quilts.
Cotton Patch Quilters - Meets 9am-noon monthly on the third Thursday. Email Brenda Smitley for information.
Grace Quilts - Meets 9am-noon monthly on the fourth and fifth Tuesdays of the month. Email Barbara Moore for information.