Let us pray for you: Our prayer team is ready to join with you in prayer for whatever concerns you have. We would be honored to stand with you as you bring your concerns before our heavenly Father.
NOTE: Any prayer request you submit will only be shared with our staff and prayer team, unless you specify otherwise.
God is listening to your prayers, and God encourages His church to join together in prayer for one another.
By signing up for the Grace prayer team, you will receive occasional emailed prayer requests from the Grace family.
This service is provided through Flocknote. Once signed up, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Do you have a concern for yourself or someone you care about? A prayer team member is available after each Sunday service to pray with you, and for your concerns. This is offered with compassion and discretion.
Join us the each month on first Saturdays at 10am when we will be offering a time of prayer for physical and emotional healing.
Feel free to come for prayers for yourself, or for a friend or loved one, or just to participate in our prayers for each another.
Jesus and his disciples gave us many examples of His kingdom being manifested in the healing of the sick and we want to begin offering that ministry in a consistent way at Grace.
A time Thursday evening to pray for the Grace family, our community, our nation, and the world.
This is a Zoom online prayer meeting. Email us for the Zoom and phone information to join us at 7pm.
You can join us for all or some of a new prayer time each Sunday prior to worship services. We are praying for the services that will happen that Sunday, for God's good presence among us and for our ability to worship Him well.
Breath Prayer is an ancient form of prayer that uses short, easy to remember phrases coupled with our breath to help us center ourselves and focus on God. Breath prayer does not go on and on asking for specific things for specific situations. There is nothing wrong with praying specific prayers, but the goal for breath prayer is to spend time in God’s Presence seeking to know God and to be known. Anchoring ourselves in God so we can remain anchored throughout our day.
A breath prayer is usually written in two phrases, one for the inhale, one for the exhale.
From Psalm 22
My God who rescues, I trust You for relief. Inhale a deep breath, feel your lungs expand, fill yourself completely. Then say: My God who rescues. Exhale slowly, releasing all the air,
and say: I trust You for relief.
From Psalm 74
Inhale: God, my king from ages past.
Exhale: bring salvation to me.
From Psalm 88
Inhale: God of my salvation.
Exhale: be with me in the darkness. (replace darkness with any word that describes your situation: loneliness, fear, uncertainty, disappointment.)
From 1 John 1:5
Inhale: God who is only light.
Exhale: help me see your light in this darkness.
From Hebrews 13:8
Inhale: Jesus.
Exhale: You never change.